Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I've been working with one girl now for a few months and finally have made some headway.
She's actually listening to me!
And everyone else wrote her off as hopeless...

Still got a loooooooong way to go, but at least she's now willing to listen.


David_on_the_Lake said...

First to comment


Does your Assistant Principal know about this?


Bas~Melech said...

Mazal tov, may you go from chayil to chayil...

It's so nice to have a success, keeps you going through the times when things don't seem to be going so well.

the dreamer said...

woohoo to you, too.

Not yet, she doesn't.

the principal may find out tomorrow...

ggggg said...

Keep up the good work!!! NEVER give up on anyone, especially on yourself!!!!

Pragmatician said...

That is amazing.
I'd be so bad at it, I'd give up almost right away.

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

That is terrific you should be proud and just continue.

David Melamed said...

Now that you got her trust, maybe you can convince her to give you her lunch money. (That's what I would do)

Seriously, Props!

Great Picture, I can just see one of those motivational captions,
" Every cloud's silver lining reflects recalcitrance pursuant of victorious celebrationism, as the sun glistens off the mountainous morning dew of complete non-sensicalness, proverbially speaking!"


the dreamer said...

basmelech - thanks. yup.

LV - I'll try not too.

prag - take what LV said to heart. one doesn't realize even half of one's capabilities most of the time. and when you really want to do something for another, and daven for it, hashem truly puts the right words in your mouth.

swfm - thanks.

mel - that's sorta backwards.
I liked the picture, too. that's why i put it up.

Anonymous said...

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