Sunday, February 25, 2007

At The Lake

I love standing at the lake.
I enjoy watching the sun
Reflect against the ripples
That turn the waters
Into glittering peaks and points.

But yesterday,
Only half the lake

The other half
Was frozen over
With a sheet of thin ice.
Covering the lake.
Hiding its shine.
Dulling its reflection.

Sunset came
And went
And darkness fell upon
The lake.

Yet still,
Through the darkness
Half the lake

LV tagged me to post links to 2 blogs that I enjoy reading.
Here they are:
David on the Lake
Half Baked


ggggg said...

The lake (and life in general) is like the glass!

Is the glass half empty or half full? It's all about perspective!

ggggg said...

P.S. You have been tagged! See my latest post.

David_on_the_Lake said...

ahhh thats my favorite spot u hogged..
I love the lake..smaller than the ocean..calmer than the river...

Bas~Melech said...

Great post, Dreamer. I really like this one. Water kind of entrances me, in any state, in any lighting... I am obsessed with water!

the dreamer said...

LV - I know. That's why I brought both perspectives in this poem - the positive and the negative.

LV - Got it. tagged two more.

David - Hogging? Me? Never.
I learned to share in kindergarten.
Yeah, I like it too. Did you notice how it really was half frozen - split straight down the middle? Couldn't get a pic cuz I didn't have my camera on me.

Basmelech - glad to be of service.

David_on_the_Lake said...

ur in lakewood?

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Water is very relaxing nice imagery.

the dreamer said...

David - I was.
For the weekend.

No longer there now...

SW/FM - thanks.

Independent Frum Thinker said...

Very nice post.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE water, they relax me, give me directions to that lake, can u please

smb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
smb said...


It's disappointing that half is frozen but there's still half of it that sparkling. Looking at the bright side makes for a happier life.

the dreamer said...

IFT - Thanks.

Nuch - go to Lakewood. The lake's in middle of everything...

Lvnsm27 - Thanks.

Did noone notice that the poem wasn't just negative? I thought it ended on a POSITIVE note. At least, that's what I was trying to do...

yingerman said...

Hey Dreamer, in the summertime you can sit in the dark and listen to the frogs at that Lake. Forest dwellers also come out and enjoy the water, its not just the water, its the nature in general.
Can't the same for some of the humans who share it though.

the dreamer said...

Don't know, yingerman.
I don't particularly like frogs.
I do love the water, though.
The ocean, the lake, brooks, streams, rivers - I can stand by and watch for hours.

Animals come out to the water if that's were they were created to do. Humans have choice, so they can either use or abuse, depending on their own selves.

David_on_the_Lake said...

ahhh the frogs..
I have a pond behind my house...thats when we know spring is truly here..when the frogs serenade us at night..

smb said...

Yea I know it turns positive. That's how I think people should be

Bas~Melech said...

Of course I noticed the positive turn! That's what I love about it (the rest I would have just maybe liked...) Lots of my writing goes kind of like that, too.

the dreamer said...

david - i'd rather not have the kol tzefardeah choir serenade me, thank you. there are others with much better voices.

lvnsm27and BM - thanks. i was beginning to worry.

Shpitzle Shtrimpkind said...

Poignant! Very well written!

I love nature too, and I really get riled up with such poetry. I wish I could live in a place where nature hasn't been replaced with pollution and hustle. From the other commentors it seems Lakewood is a beautiful place. I've never been there.

the dreamer said...

shpitzle - thanks.
go visit! it's worth it.