Friday, October 26, 2007


We become so preoccupied with
Braiding the challah
Painting on makeup
Slicing the gefilte fish
Dressing the salad
Grating the potatoes
Shutting the lights
Spicing the chicken
Soaking the beans
Peeling the vegetables
Molding the knaidelach
Spreading the tablecloth
Polishing the silver
Dicing the onions
Taping the switches

That we forget that we should be

Thinking of Shabbos.

A wonderful Shabbos to you all!


corner point said...

So true! Wow...too often it doesn't even occur to us while we're rushing that if we'd just remember why we're doing it all we'd get even more schar.

While I'm taking care of the more mundane aspects of teaching (such as lunch issues, lost sweaters and folders, bus problems) I try to remind myself to consciously think "I am doing avodas haKodesh and I am enabling a child of Yours to be able to learn Your Torah better." Thinking this thought makes those mundane things suddenly sparkle so much more...

Bas~Melech said...

This is a sad poem. B"H I see most of the opposite, though I can definitely relate to the difficulty at times of retaining the true perspective...

I like the way Rebbetzin Heller describes this: Confusing "urgent" with "important." Many things become urgent, and they truly do need to be taken care of NOW, so they divert our attention from what is Important...

David_on_the_Lake said...

Oh..I never forget..

(that also might have something to do with the fact that I dont have much to do with the above mentioned list of tasks..)

Anonymous said...

CP - exactly what i'm aiming at.

BM - wasn't really meant to be sad, but rather to give us perspective and point us back in the right direction.

David - maybe you should start helping your wife a bit more. I'm sure she would appreciate it.

halfshared said...

Nice poem. Hope to remember it when I make the challa this week.

Scraps said...

It's so true. It's so easy to get all caught up in the busy-ness and forget that it's Shabbos. And no matter how late it's starting, it always seems to go the same way, rushing like crazy until the last possible minute.

Thanks for the reminder to make my erev Shabbos a little more Shabbosdik!

Shmuel said...

Wow, I loved that! Where's that image from? can I buy it anywhere?

smb said...

Plus when we focus on shabbos while preparing, we can uplift this mundane task and make it more meaningful.

the dreamer said...

halfshared - thanks. please do.

scraps - you're welcome!

jewmaican - thanks. it's from
I think it comes free when you order a shabbos kit.

lvnsm27 - te thing is, shabbos tasks are NOT mundane. we MAKE them mundane, but in reality, they're not.

Anonymous said...

that's true