Wow, 30+ comments on Yeshivaworld. Some people really are bored.
So, some people missed the point.
Others are harping on the fact that I'm 25.
Still others assume that my job is well-paying. LOL.
And that my family relationships are perfect.
Some offered brachos; others, their condolences.
I truly hope no one was hurt.
'Twas meant for those looking at others as pitiful creatures to realize that we are not so. I'm not belittling the hurt and pain singles experience. What I am saying is that most of the singles I know, be they 21, 31, 48 or 25; most are not comforted by the fact that others view them as victims of a tragic circumstance.
Does that mean that others shouldn't care? Of course not! Please, continue to make shidduchim, how difficult it may be.
But to paint a life as a tragedy - please. Save that for the episodes described by one of the commenters (may they never occur again).Way back when in high school
While studying English Lit.
I learned the definition
Of a word that seemed to fit
A sad and unfortunate event
A calamity of major proportions
A disaster way beyond belief
That led to much misfortune
Yet there's been a distortion
Of this word, or so I fear
For I've looked at my life
And note, no calamities are near
Thank G-d, I am quite healthy
I can see out of both eyes
My feet move oh so properly
My hands can fall and rise
I've got a job that I enjoy
My finances are stable
And I thank the Lord that I can still
Put food upon my table
I love my parents and I know
They love me just the same
(Though neither has forgotten
That I still keep their last name)
My siblings' homes are open
For a Shabbos or a rest
And my friends' phone lines are working
Though the times aren't always best
So why's my life a tragedy?
What's the crisis that does thrive?
There are greater disasters
Than a single girl at twenty five.
And yes, I am still hoping
That I'll meet my One someday
And there are times I'm barely coping
And can not do much but pray
But even so, my life is full
Of chessed and good things
With nary a tragedy in sight
On which to mournfully sing.