Sunday, August 19, 2007

I Thought...

I thought I heard your voice
But it was only the echo
of some long forgotten memory.

I thought I heard you sing
But it was only the music
of a passing car.

I thought I heard your steps
But it was only the woman
who comes to clean.

I thought I saw your face
But it was only a passing
reflection in the mirror.

I thought I felt your touch
But it was only the branch
of a tree in the wind.

I dreamed of you
Of what you would be.
Of who you would be.
Of where you would be.

I'm still dreaming.
And tomorrow
is another day.


David_on_the_Lake said...

Our dreams of tommorow are made up of the faint whispering of yesterday...
May they all come true..

Floating Reflections said...

When we feel strongly enough about something or someone it transcends into every aspect of our life over the next few days.

Fortunately or not it soon wears off.

Pragmatician said...

Very nice and touching.
I hate when that happens in a non peotic way though.

Anonymous said...

this happens to me where I'm so close. I'm still dreaming too for something

the dreamer said...

david - amen.

smile - unfortuantely...

prag - thanks. and welcome back!
don't know if i hate it... though it does feel me with a longing...

lvnsm27 - what are you dreaming of?