Sunday, October 26, 2008

Shabbos Chicken (or none)

I wanted to make Shabbos
Planned the entire meal
Wrote up a list of things to buy
'Twasn't a big deal

I drove out to the grocery
And began to play my part
Veggies, fish and croutons
Made their way into my cart

Then over to the meat fridge
I gently wheeled my stuff
To purchase Shabbos chickens
(For Yom Tov just wasn't enough)

I looked to the left and to the right
I blinked and rubbed my eyes
The fridge was rather empty
Much to my surprise

I quickly called my sis in law
To ask if she could buy
A chicken for my Shabbos tish
She said that she would try

She called me minutes later
Confusion in her voice
No chickens in the entire town
This week, meat's the choice

So steak was duly purchased
As this past week's Shabbos fare
I guess we must remember
To stock up early next year!


halfshared said...

No chicken in a whole town? Did they say what happened?

David_on_the_Lake said...

who let the chickens out?

I bet ur husband wasnt complaining